Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ice Tunnels

I recently had an opportunity to go on a pretty interesting tour of the ice tunnels that run below and out from the station. The tunnels themselves are about 60 feet below the surface, maintain a temperature of around -66 and are just dug out of the ice with no supporting walls. Since the South Pole is an always-moving glacier, the tunnels are not expected to last forever but they’re hoping they’ll be around for a long while before they collapse (though it did look like one wall had started to bow).

The pipes in the tunnels carry sewage outflow and also carry water in from the Rodwells. The Rodwells are the wells that supply water to the station. They are already working on tunnels to the new Rodwells that are going to be built in the future, as they only last 6 or 7 years.

As you look at the pictures, you’ll see some interesting stuff that is a part of the tunnels or has been left behind by past Polies.

For example, one of the side tunnels carries the sewage outtake. The moisture coming off the pipes causes this tunnel to be one of the most moist, albeit smelly, places on station. This effect causes what is fondly referred to as “poopsicles” to form on the ceiling and ice to build up on the pipes.

Also, you’ll see a couple of pictures with a fish (odd, I know). The story behind this is some Russian trawlers traded the fish for alcohol, cigarettes or something they needed in McMurdo. However, an unnamed Polie took the fish on his way down to the Pole by wrapping it up in clothing and stuffing it in his carry-on. It has been here, frozen, ever since. Everyone says that if you go in the tunnels you HAVE to get your picture taken with the legendary fish.

Oh yeah, and the pig head isn’t the only one to be found on station. I’ll snap a picture of the other one sometime and post it.

Click here for some photos


  1. YES Poopscicles!!! I talk about poopscicles from time to time and nobody (including me) knows what i'm talking about.

  2. Carla,
    I love your pics. Glad to know you are doing good.

  3. I can attest that Cruiser does use the terminology "poopscicles" quite often!

    Perhaps you can bring one home for him in an ice chest.

    Hope all is going well down there! How are the short showers treating you?


  4. carla- the whole hiking gang is hanging out at On Deck and thinking of you. Most of us are volunteering to be assistants in 2008... AND MISS YOU!

    Did u ever go on the Today Show? It aired today.

    Take care,

  5. Thanks for the great comments!

    I'm glad and hopeful that I've given Cruiser's life a little bit more meaning.

    The showers are kind of a catch 22. It's good to feel clean but the bathrooms are cold and feel even colder when you have to keep turning the water off.

    Bob, I miss you guys too. I would love to volunteer with you guys. Maybe they'll let me start helping out late. And yes, I hear that I did make it onto the Today show, though I haven't seen it for myself yet.
