Sunday, May 11, 2008


The brash ice was pretty thick in the area of water around our pier yesterday. Though this can be a somewhat common event, the thing that made yesterday special were two penguins trying to make their way across the ice. They were definitely traveling together. One would waddle-walk with arms straight out, hop to another piece of ice and then stop to wait for its friend to catch up. Sometimes the hops were too far, and they'd go down on their bellies and try to use their flappers to propel them forward. More often than not, this strategy would prove ineffective on the uneven, slippery ice and they would have to work extra hard to get momentum to get to a piece of ice where they could stand again.

I wasn't able to get any pictures since they were too far away for my little point and shoot camera, so I just enjoyed the moment with some of my friends. It was a great way to take a break from work.


  1. Cute story!!


  2. I love penguins and no thats not because of my affinity for Linux. :-)


